The most Misunderstood
People in the World
I'm going to try and make this a short article but I will be trying to put 1000's of pages of study and information into one or two...
I'm sure people from every country in this world have seen a person dressed in the opposite genders clothes and thought, holy cow, they must be perverted, sick, weird, crazy and many many other terms that are used that I won't mention. People make fun of people dressed in the opposite genders clothes all the time, point fingers, laugh at them behind their backs and stare at them like they are from another world. One might say these people are from another world but that world exist on this planet. It is a world these people really do not wish to live in but they are forced to live in this world from fear of being ridiculed, called names, made fun of, labeled something they are not and many other reasons due to the lack of education about the Transgender community. These people have to live in what you might call a secret society because they are forced to, not that they want to but for reasons and fear as described above among various other reason. These individuals who dress in the opposite genders clothes come from all walks of life, all types of professions, your neighbor could be one of these people, your brother or sister could be one of these people, your boss, a General in the military, a truck driver, a Doctor, a major movie star, the bully in school, a teacher, a college professor, your best friend, a farmer, and the list just goes on. Transgender individual are the same as anyone else, normal, but, born with a desire that other members of society do not have. These people have feelings just like anyone else, in fact, Transgender individuals hate the fact they have this desire to dress as the opposite sex or wear any type of opposite genders clothing. But after they adjust to their unwanted way of life and desires and accept who they are they begin to love the feeling and at the same time hate it. You have to understand these people have no choice in the matter what so ever. The desire comes naturally to them just as you find it natural to get up in the morning and dress in your own gender clothing. There is one big difference though, you do not fight with yourself about what gender clothes you are going to wear. Some of these individuals fight with themselves all the time about how they are going to dress. Many fight off the desire to put on a dress or wear opposite genders under garments. Some are late for work because they wanted to dress as opposite gender before starting their day. Their desire and urge can be over whelming at times and they have to live with this every day of their lives. Many people do not ever adjust or accept how they were born and live a life of misery mainly because of the fear of the time they will be discovered. A question arises, How would you deal with something like this if you were in their shoes, think about it .....
There are several levels of Transgender depending on the amount of female ID the fetus retains after a sex Identification cycle is completed in the womb. There are several different levels of a Crossdresser, and several different levels of a Transsexual. People in, lets call it the straight society, people whose gender is what they would consider normal. For lack of description and lack of words I will refer to this term (straight society or straight) through out this article to describe people other then those who dress in opposite gender clothing. I will refer to the people who dress in the opposite gender clothing as, Transgender or Transgender individuals or people throughout this article.
One of the major problem that people have who live in the straight society that have no clue why Transgender people want or need to dress in opposite gender clothing is the lack of education about Transgenderism. Most people in the straight society are afraid of something different then their own way of living and life style so they make fun of what ever it is that is different then their life style or way of living. The lack of education about the Transgender community in schools and colleges is another factor why these people are so misunderstood. Ninety nine percent of the population in the straight society think Transgender people just go about dressing in opposite gender clothes because they want to and think it is cute or because they are sick or perverted and this is so far from the truth it's sad.
Let me try to help you understand who Transgender people are and why they are who they are and why they live their way of living and their life style. Number one and something everyone should begin to realize. It is developed in the womb in the fetus during the gender Identification cycle when a babies sex is determined. Transgender individuals are born this way, yes I will say it again born this way, it is not something they just decide to do over night like the 99% of the straight society think. This urge and desire is not an illness as some think. It is not a habit some decide to get into over night. It is not something one picks up from a friend or from televison or a movie and it is not a psychological problem as some doctors think. There have been major research studies over the years that have concludedthat Transgenderism is begins in the womb by professors and doctors but unfortunately there are still a small number that believe that it is just something that is decided over night one wants to do. Let me give you an example. I'm sure all of you have no doubt heard of a person born with both sexes who are know as hermaphrodites. These people did not wish to be born like this but they were and they are made fun of just as Transgender people are. The life styles of Transgender individuals begin in the womb when the sex of a fetus is determined. First of all everyone in the world is conceived as a female in the womb, everyone's life begins as female, yes everyone no matter who they are. When the cycle begins that determines the sex of the fetus it sometimes is not completed and female factors remain as part of the fetus if it is a male and vice versa if it is a female. In the case of a hermaphrodite the factors that determine which sex the fetus will be does not complete the cycle to the point that the fetus ends up with both complete sexes within their body. Transgender individuals have the same thing happen to them but the gender ID of the fetus completes more of the cycle for a particular sex. Sometimes this will give a fetus almost all the information to complete the fetus as lets say a male but there are still traces of female Identification in the fetus. This female identification material left in the males fetus can be of any amount and can determine how a male will live and feel when they are born and grow into adulthood. Some males are born with little or no female ID material left and they grow into adulthood as what one in the straight society would call normal. A baby that grows into a boy then into a man with no female characteristics at all. Then you will have a baby male born with a little trace of female ID in their chemistry make up. These males could grow into adulthood and may end up wearing under garments of the opposite gender under their male clothing and no one will be the wiser. Some may be born and have that same want and need and may act a little feminine but not that much that it would give away their Transgender identity, they would be considered normal in the straight society but they would also live with the fear of being discovered because they realize they are a little different then others. There will be some baby males born with more of a mix of female ID and male ID in their chemistry and will have the want and need to wear clothing of the opposite gender once in a while. This can be anything from a under garments to a gown and maybe the complete under clothing and outer wear of the opposite gender. But these individuals only dress around their home in secret when no one is around and only for a little bit of time. Maybe once a week or once a month but these people always live in the fear of being discovered also. This is not something these individuals want to do but it is something that they are compelled to do, sort of like an addition but a addition they are born with not one they have decided to do over night. These Transgender individuals are called CROSSDRESSERS. There are some Crossdresser's who are born with more female ID in their chemistry make up then the ones described above and these Crossdresser's have the need, want and desire to dress completely as a female whenever they can, go out to clubs, shopping in stores or just go out among other people who are Crossdresser's and associate and I don't mean have sex with other Crossdresser's, just be themselves. A major majority of Crossdresser's remain straight and live a normal male lifestyle, get married and have families. They do not have the desire to have sex with a male, they are only attracted to women. Crossdresser never have the feeling that they are females trapped in a male body or vice versa. There are however a percentage of Crossdresser's who are what is called Bi sexual meaning they have the desire to have sex with both genders, again something they are born with, not a decision they made overnight. Crossdresser's always live in the fear of being discovered by family, friends, co workers and the straight society. This is not a way of life they just decided to live, it is something born within them from the time they were conceived as a fetus in the womb. Sometimes the desire to dress in the opposite genders clothes is so compelling that it will control a person to the point they will try to find a safe place to dress when ever they can. Sometimes they will have excuses to miss a family function so they can remain at home or go to a motel room and dress in the opposite genders clothes in safety and without fear of being caught. Again, this is not something they want to do but something they need to do to satisfy their hunger to wear opposite gender clothing. It is not a great way to live because it can and does create problems in family and in their personnel life. Transgender individuals who have the desire to go out in public dressed as the opposite gender usually give their self a feminine name that they are known as when they associate with others like themselves. This helps to keep their secret for their desire to dress as the opposite gender from everyone and protects their male image and identity. Transgender individuals always live in the fear of being discovered every day of their lives. It is a secret these people have that they actually hate because they know they are a little different but yet they are normal because they were born with these desires, it is a part of their being. Transgender people learn to hide their secret second self very well and for the most part hardly any are discovered and remain in what is called the closet, and can be their life's long secret. There are some how ever who are found out by accident many times by their wives and that usually leads to divorce and family break up. Something these individual fear the most when they are married is loosing their love ones because of their desire to dress as the opposite gender. One major reason men keep this secret from their wives and family is so they can remain with their love ones. Many men really want to tell their wives and their family who they are and what their life style is but cannot because of the fear of being misunderstood, labeled something they are not, made fun of because they like to wear a dress and dress as the opposite sex and yes loosing their family. If anyone thinks this way of life is fun or is something these people just decide to do they are badly mistaken. Females who are Transgender do not have this fear as much as a male does. Why? Because in the world of the female it is just considered fashion to wear the opposite genders clothing. Nothing is ever thought of in regard to a female being sick, perverted or anything at all when they fashionably wear male clothing and they can be just as Transgender as any male to any Transgender extreme.
This is a desire these individuals are born with that has no cure, it is something they have to adjust to and live with the rest of their life. Yes I said it has no cure. Psychologist try to help these people live and learn who they are and why they exist but there is no known cure. It is something these people have within their chemistry from birth. Many Psychologist are educated by Crossdresser and Transsexuals about the Transgender community and their way of life since there in no educational courses offered in any schools or colleges. There is a small pea size organ at the base of the brain called the hypothalamus, it is thought to be a source of gender ID and sexual urges. This was discovered by research on cadaver brains of heterosexual males, gay males and women in research studies trying to learn about Gay and Transgender people. It was found that in a Transgender person and Gay person the hypothalamus was more like that of a woman then a heterosexual male. This is only a small factor that determines the wants, needs and desires of a Transgender persons desire and urge to dress as the opposite sex. There are a lot more details but I am trying to keep this simple enough to understand. In 1991, Simon LeVay proposed that part of the anterior hypothalamus of Homosexual and Transgender men has the anatomical form typical of women rather than of heterosexual men. The hypothalamus is thought to be the source of our sexual urges as stated above.
The development of the fetus when determining gender can and does cause males to be born with the desire to live full time as a woman, and also give the desire to men to live full time as a woman and have sexual reassignment surgery as well as women. There are men who live full time as women but do not have the surgery but do take hormones to develop breast and bodily features of a female to satisfy their need and desire they were born with. Many Transsexuals have the feeling that they are females trapped in a male body and vice versa. These people are real people who do have real female feelings because of their chemistry make up like for instance the hypothalamus organ in the brain. These Transgender individuals also live in the fear of being taunted and ridiculed because of their needs and desires. None of these Transgender individuals wanted this, it was born within their chemistry make up and a real part of their being they have no say say in the matter. They cannot help their feelings and desires, their wants and needs. Many of the males born that want to have SRS (Sexual Reassignment Surgery) really are females in a male body seeking escape from a taunted life and live the life style they were born with within their chemistry make up.
Let me go a step further. There have been infants born with both sexes. At the time of birth doctors or parents pick which sex they want their baby to be and a operation is performed to remove the sex that is not wanted. When the child reaches puberty or older it has been found that in some cases if a males gender was decided on that child will have female tendencies and characteristics and be more female then male and more male if a female gender was picked. This indicates that regardless what gender is picked at birth if both sexes have emerged at birth one cannot pick a sex and be sure that will be the right gender for the child ..... This has happened and has been documented.
If one does not have these desires, the wants and needs or feelings it is hard for anyone to realize just how these individuals have to live and what they must deal with within their life time. Over the years there have been many studies in regard to Transgenderism and much has been learned. These individuals are very slowly becoming recognized as normal human beings and not perverted people with un godly habits. Even Transgender individuals have a hard time dealing with themselves and suffer the pain anguish of not knowing why they are like they are. Over the years there have been many Transgender support groups formed to help people who are Transgender cope with their lives and the problems that occur. These groups help educate individual and help them learn that they are not alone in this world that their are millions of other people just like them in every corner of the world and in every life style and profession .........................
Michelle Lynn GreyFeather
This article is still in being edited and ,
more information will be added. Just wanted to
post what there is in hopes of helping a just a little
More Transgender articles of
Support and Education to be added to site